
Successful Defense of Marta Santuccio

June 21, 2022

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the successful defense of the PhD Dissertation by

Marta Santuccio
Looking at the World with Fresh Eyes: The Perspectival Neutral Monism Model

Members of the Defense Committee:

Supervisor: Katalin Farkas (CEU)
External examiner: Daniel Stoljar (Australian National University)
Internal Examiner: Howard Robinson (CEU)
Chair: Michael Griffin (CEU)

The defense was held on 21st June.

Garrett Mindt appointed a tenure track position at Florida Atlantic University

June 15, 2022

Our PhD alumnus, Garrett Mindt, was appointed a tenure track position at Florida Atlantic University. Congratulations, Garrett!

QS ranks CEU Philosophy Department #33 in the world

April 30, 2022

The QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings by Subjects 2022 has ranked the CEU Department of Philosophy as #33 in the world.

CEU Philosophy Department expresses solidarity with Uladzimir Matskevich

February 14, 2022
The CEU Philosophy Department expresses solidarity with Uladzimir Matskevicha philosopher and a forceful critique of public affairs in Belarus. Matskevitch has been detained since 4 August 2021, but his case is not investigated and is not moving forward. We are deeply concerned about this case, and we call for Uladzimir Matskevitch's immediate release.

Tim Crane is appointed as Pro-Rector for Teaching and Learning

February 11, 2022

CEU’s Senate and Board of Trustees have approved the establishment of five new Pro-Rector roles to provide oversight for all CEU areas of operation at the Senior Leadership Team level.

Professor Tim Crane is Pro-Rector for Teaching and Learning, responsible for masters and non-degree programs in Academic Departments, Undergraduate Studies, the Center for Academic Writing, the Center for Teaching and Learning, Romani studies, the Open Learning Initiative, Source Language Teaching Group, the Socrates Project and Dean of Students.