Past courses

Academic year 2023-24

I. Core MA Courses

  • Logic (M. Griffin)
  • Epistemology (K. Farkas)
  • Ethics (S. Rippon)
  • Metaphysics (F. Huoranszki)
  • Continental Philosophy (J. Cartlidge)
  • Philosophy of Language (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Early Modern Philosophy (M. Griffin)

II. Elective MA Courses

  • Kant (N. Gruver)
  • Philosophy of Emotions (K. Farkas)
  • Perception (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Theory of the Soul and the Intellect: Aristotle, Plotinus and Beyond (I.Bodnar-H.Robinson)
  • Heidegger and Gadamer on Understanding and Interpretation (D. Weberman)
  • Representation of Reality (M. Simpson)
  • Recent Analytic Work on Understanding (D. Weberman)
  • Causation: Classic Contributions of the 20th Century (M. Kronfeldner)
  • Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art (C. Mason)
  • Heidegger and Gadamer on Understanding and Interpretation (D. Weberman)
  • War (A. Moles)
  • Contemporary Metaethics (S. Rippon)
  • Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (I. Bodnar)
  • Metaphysics of Modality (M. Malec)
  • Metaphysics of Mind (T. Crane)
  • Philosophy of Law (K. Farkas)
  • Anscombe, Foot, Midgley and Murdoch (C. Mason)
  • Wittgenstein: Readings from the Philosophical Investigations (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Truth, Facts, and Properties (M. Simpson)
  • Infinity (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Leibniz on God and Evil (M. Griffin)

Academic Year 2022-23

I. Core MA Courses

  • Logic (M. Griffin)
  • Epistemology (J. Ohlhorst)
  • Ethics (C. Mason)
  • Metaphysics (F. Huoranszki)
  • Continental Philosophy (D. Weberman)
  • Philosophy of Language (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Early Modern Philosophy (M. Griffin)

II. Elective MA Courses

  • The Nature of Intentionality (T. Crane)
  • Advanced Epistemology (K. Farkas)
  • Circumcision (H. Ben-Yami)
  • The Quantified Argument Calculus (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Science and Society: Advanced Issues (M. Kronfeldner)
  • Mental Phenomena (K. Farkas)
  • Wittgenstein: Readings from his late work (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy of Gender and Race (A. Passinsky)
  • Laws of Nature (F. Huoranszki)
  • The Ethics of Discrimination (A. Moles)
  • Aristotelian Metaphysics (A.Passinsky - I.Bodnar)
  • Virtue Theory (C. Mason)
  • Special Relativity, Time and Cause (H. Ben-Yami)

Academic year 2021-22

I. Core MA Courses

  • Continental Philosophy (D. Weberman)
  • Ancient Philosophy (I. Bodnar)
  • Metaphysics (F. Huoranszki)
  • Logic (M. Griffin)
  • Ethics (S. Rippon)
  • Epistemology (K. Farkas)
  • Philosophy of Language (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Early Modern Philosophy (M. Griffin)

II. Elective MA Courses

  • Thinking and being: an introduction into Hegel’s philosophy (F. Huoranszki)
  • Contemporary Metaethics (S. Rippon)
  • Critical Reflections on Kripkean Themes (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy in Art (D. Weberman)
  • Contemporary Metaethics (S. Rippon)
  • Philosophy of Religion: The Existence and Nature of God (H. Robinson)
  • Social Metaphysics (A. Passinsky)
  • Readings from Wittgenstein (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Spinoza’s Ethics (M. Griffin)
  • Killing (A. Moles)
  • The Self (F. Huoranszki)
  • The Ethos of Science: Objectivity, Disinterestedness and Autonomy of Scientific Research (M. Kronfeldner)
  • Greek reading seminar I (I. Bodnar)
  • Metaphysics of Mind (T. Crane)
  • Philosophy of Law (K. Farkas)
  • Dehumanization (M. Kronfeldner)
  • Perception (H. Ben-Yami)
  • Understanding (D. Weberman)
  • Philosophy of Gender and Race (A. Passinsky)

As the Department's MA Program started in academic year 2008-2009, in previous years only PhD courses were offered.

Academic year 2008-2009

I. Core MA Courses

  • Logic (2 credits, Hanoch Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy of Language (2 credits, Hanoch Ben-Yami)
  • Ancient Philosophy (2 credits, Gabor Betegh)
  • Rationalism and Empiricism (2 credits, Michael Griffin)
  • Metaphysics (2 credits, Ferenc Huoranszki)
  • Ethics (2 credits, János Kis)
  • Epistemology (2 credits, Nenad Miscevic)
  • Continental Philosophy since Kant (2 credits, David Weberman)

II. Elective MA Courses

  • Descartes: The Making of a Philosophical Revolution (4 credits, Hanoch Ben-Yami)
  • Wittgenstein on Following a Rule (2 credits, Hanoch Ben-Yami)
  • Aristotle (4 credits, Gábor Betegh)
  • Advanced Metaphysics: Causation, Properties and Time (4 credits, Ferenc Huoranszki)
  • Color and Value (2 Credits, Nenad Miscevic)
  • Contemporary Debates in Moral and Political Philosophy (4 credits, Andres Moles)
  • Arguments for the Existence of God. (2 credits, Howard Robinson)
  • Substance, Ontology, Mind (2 credits, Howard Robinson)
  • Philosophy of the History of Philosophy (2 credits, David Weberman)

III. PhD Courses

  • Fool’s Gold: A Close-Reading of Kripke’s Naming and Necessity (2 credits, Hanoch Ben-Yami)
  • Greek Reading Seminar (2x2 credits, Gabor Betegh)
  • Self and Agency in Ancient Philosophy (2 credits, Gabor Betegh)
  • Cognitive Mechanisms of Cultural Knowledge Transmission: A Comparative Perspective (4 credits, Gergely Csibra and George Gergely)
  • Ontogenetic and Philogenetic Origins of Folk Psychology and Naïve Theory of Mind: Developmental, Comparative, Evolutionary and Neuroscience Perspectives (4 credits, Gergely Csibra and George Gergely)
  • Kant and His Predecessors (4 credits, Michael Griffin)
  • Moral Psychology (4 credits, Ferenc Huoranszki)
  • Advanced Political Philosophy 1 (Theory of Justice) (4 credits, János Kis and Zoltán Miklosi)
  • Heidegger's Being and Time (4 credits, David Weberman)

Academic year 2007-2008

I. Moral and Political Philosophy area

  • Ancient Ethics* (4 credits, G. Betegh)
  • Action, Reasons and Freedom (4 credits, F. Huoranszki)
  • Philosophy of Interpretation* (2 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Aesthetics (4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Philosophy of Social Sciences* (2 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Luck and Fate in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy (2 credits, I. Bodnar & N. Miscevic)
  • Political Obligation* (4 credits, J Kis)
  • Reading Seminar: Locke's Second Treatise on Government (2 credits, J. Kis)
  • Intuitions: Intellectual and Moral (4 credits, N. Miscevic)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind area

  • Perception (4 credits, K. Farkas)
  • Externalism (2 credits, K. Farkas)
  • Wittgenstein: Language and Mind (4 credits, H. Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy of Mind* (4 credits, H. Ben-Yami & H. Robinson)
  • The Concept of God (4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • The Metaphysics of Early Modern Empiricists (4 credits, F. Huoranszki & M. Griffin)
  • Action, Reasons and Freedom (4 credits, F. Huoranszki)
  • Time and Identity* (4 credits, F. Huoranszki)

III. History of Philosophy area

  • Ancient Ethics (4 credits, G. Betegh)
  • Plato* (4 credits, G. Betegh & I. Bodnar)
  • Greek Reading Seminar (4 credits, G. Betegh & I. Bodnar)
  • Luck and Fate in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy (2 credits, I. Bodnar & N. Miscevic)
  • The Concept of God (4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • Seventeenth-Century Rationalism* (4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • The Metaphysics of Early Modern Empiricists (4 credits, F. Huoranszki & M. Griffin)
  • Nietzsche (4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Aesthetics (4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Philosophy of Social Sciences (2 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Reading Seminar: Locke's Second Treatise on Government (2 credits, J. Kis)
  • Discussion Seminar (4 credits, H. Ben-Yami)

*core courses

Academic year 2006-2007

I. Moral and Political Philosophy area

  • Reason and Value: An Introduction into Contemporary Metaethics * (4 credits, F. Huoranszki) 
  • Aesthetics (4 credits, D. Weberman) 
  • Democratic Theory (4 credits, J. Kis – T. Meszerics, crosslisted with Pol. Sci.) 
  • Normative Ethics* (4 credits, J. Kis)
  • Kant's Metaphysics of Morals (2 credits, J. Kis)
  • Philosophy of Social Science (4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Virtue and Epistemology (2 credits, I. Bodnar – N. Miscevic)
  • Foucault (2 credits, D. Weberman)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind area

  • Philosophy of Action (4 credits, F. Huoranszki)
  • Philosophy of Mind* (4 credits, H. Robinson – H. Ben-Yami)
  • Language and Logic (4 credits, H. Ben-Yami)
  • Arguments for the existence of God (2 credits, H. Robinson)
  • Metaphysics* (4 credits, F. Huoranszki)
  • Epistemology* (4 credits, K. Farkas)
  • Intuition and Conceptual Knowledge (4 credits, N. Miscevic)

III. History of Philosophy area

  • Empiricism* (4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • History of Phil. of Mind (4 credits, K. Farkas – G. Betegh)
  • Aristotle (4 credits, G. Betegh)
  • Greek reading seminar I (2 credits, I. Bodnár, crosslisted with Medieval)
  • Greek reading seminar II (2 credits, I. Bodnár, crosslisted with Medieval)
  • Descartes* (4 credits, H. Ben-Yami – M. Griffin)
  • Discussion Seminar (4 credits, K. Farkas)

*core courses

Academic year 2005-2006

I. Moral and Political Philosophy area

  • Ancient Ethics* (fall, 4 credits, G. Betegh)
  • Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (winter, reading seminar, 2 credits-J. Kis)
  • Theory of Constitutional Democracy (fall, 4 credits, J. Kis and N. Dimitrievic - Political Science department - crosslisted)
  • Philosophy of History (winter, 4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Political Obligation* (winter, 4 credits, J. Kis) (crosslisted with the Department of Political Science)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind area

  • Intuition and Knowledge (winter, 4 credits, N. Miscevic)
  • Metaphysics* (fall, 4 credits K. Farkas)
  • Philosophy of Language* (fall, 4 credits, H. Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy of Mind* (winter, 4 credits, H. Robinson - H. Ben-Yami)
  • Philosophy of Religion (fall, 4 credits, H. Robinson)
  • Skepticism - ancient and modern (winter, 4 credits, K. Farkas - G. Betegh)
  • Time, Causality and Special Relativity (winter, 4 credits, H. Ben-Yami)

III. History of Philosophy area

  • 17th Century Rationalism* (fall, 4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • Atomism (winter, 2 credits, I. Bodnar)
  • Ancient Ethics (fall, 4 credits, G.Betegh )
  • Greek reading seminar (fall, 2 credits, I. Bodnar - G. Betegh) Greek reading seminar II (winter, 2 credits, I. Bodnar - G. Betegh)
  • Kant (fall, 2 credits, M. Griffin - D. Weberman)
  • Skepticism - ancient and modern (winter, 4 credits, K. Farkas - G. Betegh)
  • Discussion seminar (fall and winter semesters, 2-2 credits - K. Farkas) 
  • Prospectus seminar (2nd year students) 
  • Work in Progress seminar (optional)

*core courses

Academic year 2004-2005

I. Moral and Political Philosophy area

  • Introduction to Ethics (winter, 4 credit, F. Huoranszki)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind area

  • Epistemology (fall, 4 credits, K. Farkas)*
  • Philosophy of Mind (winter, 4 credits, H. Robinson)*
  • Conceptual Knowledge (winter, 4 credits, N. Miscevic)
  • Empiricism (fall, 4 credits, H. Robinson)

III. History of Philosophy area

  • Rationalism (fall, 4 credits, M. Griffin)*
  • Hume and Kant (fall, 2 credits, M. Griffin )
  • Aristotle 2 (winter, 4 credits, I. Bodnar)*
  • Plato II (fall, 4 credits, I. Bodnar)
  • Nietzsche (winter, 4 credits, D. Weberman)
  • Democratic Theory (fall, 4 credits, J. Kis)
  • Normative Ethics (winter, 4 credits, J. Kis)*
  • Leviathan - reading seminar (winter, 2 credits, J. Kis - L. Ambrus-Lakatos)
  • Explanation and Understanding (fall, 4 credit, F. Huoranszki)
  • Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (winter, 4 credits, M. Griffin)
  • Discussion seminar

*core courses

Academic year 2003-2004

I. Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Democratic Theory (fall, 4 credits, J. Kis ) crosslisted with Political Science
  • Ancient Ethics (fall, 4 credits, G. Betegh )*
  • Political and Legal Obligation (winter, 4 credits, János Kis)*
  • Autonomy and Responsibility (fall, 4 credits, F. Huoranszki)
  • Methods of Ethics - reading seminar (winter, 2 credits, János Kis - L. Ambrus-Lakatos)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind

  • Philosophy of Language ( fall, 4 credits, Katalin Farkas)*
  • A Priori Justification (winter, 4 credits, N. Miscevic)
  • Philosophy of Action and Mind (winter, 4 credits, F. Huoranszki)*
  • Being (winter, 4 credits, Katalin Farkas)
  • Philosophy of Religion (fall, 4 credits, Howard Robinson)*
  • Philosophy of Biology (fall, 2 credits, Saadya Sternberg, visiting)
  • Ancient Epistemology (winter, 2 credits, I. Bodnár)

III. History of Philosophy

  • Aristotle (winter, 4 credits, G. Betegh - I. Bodnár)*
  • Rationalism (fall, 4 credits, M. Griffin)*
  • Hume and Kant, (fall, 2 credits, M. Griffin)
  • Ancient Epistemology (winter, 2 credits, I. Bodnár)
  • Ancient Ethics (fall, 4 credits, G. Betegh)
  • Aristotle's De Anima – reading seminar (fall-winter, 2-2 credits, Gábor Betegh) crosslisted with Medieval Studies

*core courses

Academic year 2002-2003

I. Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Democratic Theory (fall, 4 credits, J. Kis - T. Meszerics,) crosslisted with Political Science
  • Kant: Practical Philosophy (winter, 4 credits, G. Markus,)
  • Normative Ethics (winter, 4 credits, J. Kis,)
  • Practical Reasoning, Ancient and Modern (winter, 4 credits, L. Ambrus-Lakatos - G. Betegh,)
  • Theories of Ethics: Utilitarianism as a system (winter, 4 credits, L. Ambrus-Lakatos,)
  • Freedom and Responsibility (winter, 4 credits, F. Huoranszki,)

II. Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind

  • Contemporary Metaphysics (fall, 4 credits, F. Huoranszki,)
  • Contemporary Epistemology (fall, 4 credits, K. Farkas,)
  • Apriori Knowledge (winter, 4 credits, N. Miscevic,)
  • Philosophy of Mind (winter, 4 credits, H. Robinson,
  • Freedom and Responsibility (winter, 4 credits, F. Huoranszki,)

III. History of Philosophy

  • Plato (fall, 4 credits, G. Betegh,)
  • Greek Reading Seminar I. (fall, 2 credits, G. Betegh,)
  • Empiricism (fall, 4 credits, H. Robinson,)
  • 17th Century Rationalism (fall, 4 credits, M. Griffin,)
  • Leibniz and Locke (fall, 2 credits, M. Griffin,)
  • Greek Reading Seminar II. (winter, 2 credits, G. Betegh,)
  • Practical Reasoning, Ancient and Modern (winter, 4 credits, L. Ambrus-Lakatos - G. Betegh,)
  • Descartes (winter, 4 credits, K. Farkas)
  • Kant: Practical Philosophy (winter, 4 credits, G. Markus)