Worldly Matters - 6th International Graduate Conference

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Friday, April 1, 2016 - 10:00am
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Friday, April 1, 2016 - 10:00am to Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 7:00pm

Worldly Matters

Issues in Applied and Socially Engaged Philosophy

6th International Graduate Conference of the Department of Philosophy of Central European University
1-2 April 2016, Budapest, Hungary

Keynote speakers:
Heather Douglas, University of Waterloo, Canada
Emma Bullock, Central European University, Hungary

Philosophy is often represented as nothing more than an abstract intellectual exercise, removed from practical concerns. This view is not only historically inaccurate but also overlooks the recent rise in applied and socially engaged philosophy, which are committed to promoting a closer relationship between theory and practice, often with the goal of contributing to the solution of social issues, e.g. justice or welfare. By highlighting and reassessing the epistemological and ethical assumptions of various social and institutional practices and decisions, a growing number of philosophers now aim at fostering a better understanding of the entanglement of theory and practice, in particular, by studying the conceptual issues in, for example, criminal justice, social welfare, health services, social work, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and environmental protection.

Friday, April 1

9.15-10.00 CEU tour and coffee
Comments by
10.00-10.50 Bryan Ross (University of Leeds): Regan and the Problem of Innocent Attacker: Falling Prey to the Predation Argument Attila Mráz
10.50-11.40 Niclas Rautenberg (University of Hamburg): The Kantian Emigrant: Why Kant's Natural Duty Does Not Legitimize a Restricted Right to Emigration Yuliya Kanygina
12.00-12.50 Jennifer Ware (CUNY): Joking and Believing Dávid Bartha
14.00-14.50 Constantin Mehmel (University of Warwick): Gadamer in Dialogue: A Phenomenological Account of Impaired Intersubjectivity in Depression Dávid Bitter
14.50-15.40 Thomas Bonnin (University of Exeter): Philosophers Engaging with Scientists: Ideals and Practice Michele Luchetti
16.00-17.30 Keynote address
Heather Douglas (University of Waterloo): Trusting Expertise
19.30 conference dinner

Saturday, April 2

9.45-10.00 coffee
10.00-10.50 Alison Toop (University of Leeds): Is Marriage Compatible with Political Liberalism? Miklós Zala
10.50-11.40 Ada Aust (No current affiliation): Disabled Desires: On Moral Challenges of a Practical Entitlement of a Human Right to Sexuality for Persons with Severe Mental Impairments Viktor Ivanković
12.00-12.50 Pilar Lopez-Cantero (University of Manchester): Can't Dope me Love: Why Neuroenhancement Should Not be used to Avoid Divorces Marko Konjović
14.00-15.30 Keynote address
Emma Bullock
(Central European University): Valid Consent and Moral Transformation
15.50-16.40 Benedetta Romano (LMU Munich): The Epistemic Relevance of Emotions in the Political Context Errol Ball
16.40-17.30 Daniel Coposescu (University of Bucharest): Mill, Freedom of Speech and Representation of Muhammad Işık Sarıhan