3rd Finnish-Hungarian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy

Open to the Public
Zrinyi u. 14
Friday, October 2, 2015 - 11:15am
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Friday, October 2, 2015 - 11:15am to Sunday, October 4, 2015 - 12:30pm
In a joint effort by philosophers in Finland and Hungary, the Seminar was founded to promote international cooperation among scholars of seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophy. The previous meetings were held in 2013 in CEU, and in 2014 in the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. This will be the third annual meeting in a continuous series of seminars.

Friday, 2 October
CEU, Zrínyi street 14. Room 412

Chair: Mike Griffin (CEU)

Charlie Huenemann (Utah State University): London, 1641: or, the Philosophical Revolution That Wasn’t
12.30 Vili Lähteenmäki (Helsinki): Conscientia and Self-Knowledge in Descartes

Chair: Dávid Bartha (CEU)
15.00 Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU): The Development of Descartes’ Idea of Representation by Correspondence
16.15 Anna Vaughn (The University of Utah): Making Sense of the Molyneux Problem
17.30 Shelley Weinberg (Illinois): Locke on Moral Motivation

Saturday, 3 October
ELTE, Council Room, Institute of Philosophy, Trefort Courtyard, Building I, Room 122-123

Chair: Judit Szalai (ELTE)
11.15 Martin Lin (Rutgers): Spinoza and the Mark of the Mental
12.30 Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University) and Andrea Sangiacomo (Groningen): Spinoza’s Accounts of Immanent Causality: Passivity and Activity, the Short Treatise and the Ethics

CEU, Zrínyi street 14. Room 412

Chair: Olivér Tóth (ELTE)
Paul Lodge (Oxford): Leibniz’s Esoteric Promise of Universal Salvation
16.15 John Whipple (University of Illinois, Chicago): Leibniz on Fundamental Ontology: Conciliatory or Exoteric?
17.30 Yaron Wolf (Oxford): Alciphron and Berkeley’s Theory of Sense Perception

Sunday, 4 October
CEU, Zrínyi street 14. Room 412

Chair: Zsófia Göde (CEU)
10.00 Jennifer Wright (King’s College London): Grotesque Blundering or Something More? Reinterpreting Hume on the Structure of Time
11.15 Anna Tomaszewska (Krakow): Radical Enlightenment and Kant’s Complicated Relation to Spinoza
12.30 Valtteri Viljanen (Turku): Kant on Moral Agency: The Conflict-of-Forces Conception Revisited
