
We are hiring

March 8, 2021

The Department of Philosophy invites applications for an assistant professor position from 1 August 2021. Applicants should have a PhD in philosophy by the time they start the employment.

Area of specialization is open, area of competence should include one of the following: ethics, environmental philosophy, non-western philosophy, to enable the successful candidate to teach undergraduate courses in one of these fields.

The deadline for applications is 15 April 2021.

Application details are here.

CEU Philosophy Department stands with Boğaziçi University

February 5, 2021

We in the CEU Philosophy Department are deeply alarmed and concerned about the news from Boğaziçi University. Boğaziçi is an institution with which we have strong links and which is well-known for its ethos of independent and free thinking and high academic standards. Political appointments to positions of power in the university will put these valuable traditions under threat. We stand in solidarity with those protesting against the political appointment of the Rector.

Successful Defense of Zhiwei Gu

December 15, 2020

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the successful defense of the PhD Dissertation by

Zhiwei Gu
Naive realism is not naïve

Members of the Defense Committee:

External Examiner: Keith Allen (University of York)
Supervisor: Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU)
Internal Examiner: Tim Crane
Chair: Michael Griffin (CEU)

The defense was held on 14 December online.

Congratulations, Dr. Gu!

István Bodnár awarded the Jenő Ábel Memorial Plaquette

September 19, 2020

The Hungarian Classical Society awarded this year’s Jenő Ábel Memorial Plaquette for outstanding achievement in classical studies to our faculty member István Bodnár.

His acceptance speech given at this occasion:

It has never crossed my mind that I might receive an award like this. I have been quite rebellious, so it just seemed to be out of question that a society of classical scholarship would think of awarding me a major prize. Hence this decision is out of the ordinary in so many ways that I am truly humbled.

Yuliya Kanygina appointed as postdoctoral fellow at the at the University of Gothenburg

August 26, 2020

Yuliya Kanygina, who defended her thesis in 2018 got a 2-year position as a postdoctoral researcher in practical philosophy attached to the Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP). The project is located at both University of Lund and the University of Gothenburg. Yuliya will be hosted at the University of Gothenburg. Congratulation Yuliya!