Raza Khan Prize

The CEU Department of Philosophy has established a prize in memory of our former student, Raza Khan


The CEU Department of Philosophy has introduced a donation-funded prize in memory of its late student, Raza Khan, who tragically passed away in Budapest in March 2020. Raza was a talented student in the second year of his master's program. He had many good friends at CEU, and was loved and respected. His untimely passing was devastating not only for his family but also for the CEU community.


The aim of the prize is to remember Raza as a friend, a student and a philosopher. Raza was deeply interested in the philosophy of mind and its relation to neuroscience. To honour his memory appropriately, the Department has decided to award a prize every year for the best student work in the philosophy of mind.


The Department launched the first call for applications in 2021 and plans to open the call annually. All MA and PhD students in good standing in the Philosophy Department are eligible to be considered for the prize. They may submit a piece of their own work, or their work may be nominated for the prize by a Faculty member in the Department. Only one piece per student can be considered.

The prize will be awarded for a piece of work in the philosophy of mind or the philosophy of psychology. This piece of work may be an essay for a course, or a chapter of a dissertation, or a piece written independently of their coursework. The word limit for eligible work is 5000 words.

The committee is looking for work that is clearly written, well-researched and contains good use of argument and empirical material (where appropriate).

The philosophy of mind and the philosophy of psychology are here understood broadly, to include phenomenology and the philosophies of neuroscience, psychiatry and psychoanalysis, for example. The decision about whether an essay falls under these areas will lie with the prize committee.


The deadline for nominations is 3 June 2024; please send the nominated paper to Kriszta Biber, Department Coordinator.


The prize recipient will be determined by a committee of three members of the Philosophy Department, chosen by the Head of the Department. It will be awarded in June after all student work has been submitted. The committee's decision is final.


Individual donors – colleagues, alumni, and friends – who wish to contribute may do so online via the prize giving page or by check, wire transfer, or stock.
Please visit the GIVING PAGE.