The CEU Department of Philosophy is a member of MAP (Minorities and Philosophy), a graduate student-led initiative in English-speaking philosophy departments across the world. The initiative is meant to address issues of minority participation in academic philosophy, to provide a platform for discussion of theoretical issues concerning philosophy of gender/race/sexual orientation/class/disability etc., as well as to foster engagement with philosophy done from minority perspectives.
The department’s chapter is committed to the abovementioned objectives. The department has hosted meetings, discussions and talks on MAP-related topics, and is planning film screenings on such topics. Building an open atmosphere that allows for informal mentoring of students, with a special focus on dealing with problems of minority participation and implicit bias in the field is another commitment of the chapter.
James Luong
Stephania Pimentel
Frank Hernandez
Ivana Kulic
Ayda Uzel
Maria Fedorova
Sun Parker Schuette
Ito Toshiaki (former student)
Klara Hulikova
Alexa Ramirez
Xiyue Yang
Emily Williamson
Brylea Hollinshead
Darren Rondganger
We welcome new members as well as suggestions of possible activities and events!
Email us: ceumap@ceu.edu
Events & Projects
- First & Last Questions: Non-academic philosophy workshops
- Reading group on metaphysical, epistemological, & metaphilosophical issues in philosophy of social justice
- May 2022: Interview with Robert Wilson
- 05-07/10/2022: Inclusion Beyond Face Value: Metaphilosophy of Social Justice - Conference, October 2022
- 03-04/05/2019: Workshop Philosophy and/of Inclusion.
- 05/03/2019: Jennifer Saul interviewed by Jamie Elliott and Marta Santuccio.
- 07/11/2018: Natalie Ashton interviewed by Jamie Elliott and Valentina Martinis.
- 13/03/2018: Talk by Esa Diaz Leon.
- 04/10/2017: Welcome Event and Meeting with Dorothea Frede.
- 22/02/2017: Meeting with Rebekka Hufendiek.
MAP application and first steps were done (AY 2016-17) by: Hanoch Ben-Yami (Head), Olesya Bondarenko, Jamie Elliott, Zsofi Gode, Murat Gulsacan, Marko Konjovic, Maria Kronfeldner (faculty), Marta Santuccio. In AY 2017-18, MAP involved a director (Marta Santuccio), a mentoring program team (Garrett Mindt, Jamie Elliot, Yulia Kanygina, Heather Morris, Jelena Slavic, Daria Vitasovic), and an events team (Marta Santuccio, Daria Vitasovic).
In the 2018-19 AY, the chapter divides up some leadership roles. Marteen Van Doorn was responsible for communication, Marta Santuccio and Tertia Davis looked over the grants while other active group members were: Jamie Elliott, Justin Leuba and Valentina Martinis. Maria Kronfeldner is responsible for faculty support