From Philosophy Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano

April 3, 2017

Mr. Zoltán Balog
Minister of Human Capacities
1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 3.

Dear Minister Balog,

the Philosophy Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano wishes to express its solidarity with the Central European University and its concern at the proposed legislative changes to CEU's status in Hungary. CEU is a valued member of the international academic community and any change that jeopardises the continuation of CEU's valuable work would damage not only CEU, but the academic community at large. The closure of an institution like CEU is something that no one who cares about intellectual freedom should wish to happen. We respectfully urge the government to withdraw the proposed legislation and enter consultation with CEU.


On behalf of the Philosophy Department,

Alessandro Zucchi
Department Head

Alessandro Zucchi
Direttore del Dipartimento di Filosofia
via Festa del Perdono 7
Università degli Studi di Milano
20122 Milano