From the Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva

UNI BASTIONS, rue de Candolle 2  |  CH-1211 Genève 4
Tél.  022  705 70 50  |  Fax 022 328 25 66

 April 14, 2017

To: the Central European University Department of Philosophy

Dear colleagues,

We are writing to express solidarity with Central European University and your department and to express our deep worry regarding the legislative changes which will endanger the academic freedom that is necessary for CEU’s continued operation in Hungary.

We are especially concerned because the Department of philosophy at CEU as one of the most excellent philosophy departments on the European Continent for research and study in theoretical philosophy and science studies, which also are important areas of specialization at the University of Geneva as well. Central Europe needs more institutions like CEU, not less, to promote quality studies and research and offer opportunities to students from the European Continent and further.

The proposed change of its legal status will make it impossible for CEU to continue its activity in Hungary and will undermine the international reputation of the Hungarian academic community.

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Geneva supports CEU and call upon the Hungarian authorities to preserve the Central European University as an academic highlight in Hungary.

On behalf of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Geneva

Dr. Ghislain Guigon