CEU Department of Philosophy has joined international Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) network

February 16, 2017

MAP (Minorities and Philosophy) is a graduate student-led initiative in English-speaking philosophy departments across the world. The initiative is meant to address issues of minority participation in academic philosophy, to provide a platform for discussion of theoretical issues concerning philosophy of gender/race/sexual orientation/class/disability etc., as well as to foster engagement with philosophy done from minority perspectives.

The newly formed MAP chapter at CEU Department of Philosophy is committed to the abovementioned objectives. Among our chapter activities this semester, we plan to organize film screenings and discussions of MAP-related topics, as well as to build a mentoring network between department’s alumni and current students, with a special focus on dealing with problems of minority participation and implicit bias in the field. Last year, we had our first Women in Philosophy dinner which provided a great opportunity for networking between female faculty members and students and discussing problems related to underrepresentation of women in academic philosophy.

The chapter currently includes 5-7 student members, with Prof. Maria Kronfeldner providing active support from the faculty side. We welcome new members as well as suggestions of possible activities and events.

CEU MAP events:

Email: mapatceu@gmail.com

