
Péter Susánszky receives Outstanding Academic Achievement Award

July 13, 2018

Warmest congratulations to Péter Susánszky, who on June 21 has been awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for the academic year 2017-18, for his overall academic performance in the Philosophy Master's program.

Well done, Péter!

David Bitter received Best Dissertation Award

June 7, 2018

It is with great pleasure that we announce that, by the decision of the University Doctoral Committee, David Bitter is among the three students who received the Best Dissertation Award this academic year. David's dissertation was on "Cognitive Impenetrability of Low-Level Perceptual Features", and his supervisor was Katalin Farkas.

Congratulation, David!

Successful Defense of David Bitter

May 11, 2018

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the successful defense of the PhD Dissertation by
David Bitter

Matthew Baxendale recives the Award for Advanced Doctoral Students

January 31, 2018

Warmest congratulations to Matthew Baxendale, who has been awarded the Award for Advanced Doctoral Students this year.

Well done, Matthew!

Perception of the External World - a video by Jonny Hunter

January 2, 2018

Please contemplate a video by our student, Jonny Hunter, assisted by our Damian Aleksiev: Philosophy of Perception at CEU. What do we know of the external world from perception? – Hear what Kati Farkas, Tim Crane, Howard Robinson and Hanoch Ben-Yami think about the question.

You can watch the video on our Videosquare page, where you can also find many other philosophy videos.