
Call for Applications 2015-2016

September 15, 2014


The Call for Application for the next academic year, 2015-2016, has been published.
Download the CFA below.


David Pitt to spend this Fall at CEU

September 1, 2014
A very warm welcome to David Pitt, who is going to spend the Fall term at CEU as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar, sharing his time between the Philosophy Department and the CEU Institute for Advanced Study. Enjoy your stay, David!

New Department Assistant

August 29, 2014

Welcome to our new Department Assistant, Zsófi Jeney-Domingues! Zsófi will start on 1 September, please feel free to contact her via email and/or in person in her office, 415.

Gábor Betegh to become the next Laurence Professor in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Cambridge

August 15, 2014

Gábor Betegh is leaving CEU to become the next Laurence Professor in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. Gábor will retain an affiliation with CEU and will hopefully come back every year to teach a short course. Gábor has been at CEU since 2001 and has been head of department in the last four years. As all of us who worked and studied with him know, he is not only a brilliant philosopher, but also the nicest colleague and teacher. Congratulations to Gábor for this outstanding achievement, and we will all miss you!

Successful Doctoral Defense of Zsuzsanna Balogh

August 5, 2014

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce the successful defense of the PhD Dissertation by

Zsuzsanna Balogh


Senses of self and senses of the body: Phenomenological aspects of self- and bodily awareness

Supervisor: Katalin Farkas
External Examiner: Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis)
Internal Examiner: David Weberman
Chair: Hanoch Ben-Yami